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Storm Loaner Equipment

We have been gifted with a handful of equipment to be distributed throughout our community. We have an allotment of powerful fans as well as a couple of dehumidifiers. We are loaning these out to Berlin Residents on an as-needed basis.


Please scroll down to the "Contact Us" section at the bottom and select "Storm Loaner Equipment" or give us a call at: (802) 223-5531

Storm Photo Collection

In Mid-July of 2023, the State of Vermont (especially Central Vermont) experienced one of the worst weather disasters in modern history. Our department accumulated over eight hundred man hours in just seven days, working an average of 12 hours each day. We want to compile all the images taken during this event to help paint a fuller picture of the true devastation that our communities have suffered.


Photos can be uploaded here or sent to:


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Sunset behind our Utility and Rescue trucks
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